ketan yeluri.

Dollar Finder

Dollar Finder - Repo, Live

FIND the best deals and save your DOLLARS

What does it do?

Dollar Finder is a web-application platform that facilitates sharing of information regarding better priced daily necessities and utilities, so that students can easily share and see deals that will help save money.

This project was done as part of the AY 2020-2021 CP2106 - Independent Software Development Project (Orbital), by a team of 2 students of the School of Computing, NUS.

For more information

Check out the product poster, video and documentation.

Numerifying the project

  • Project began in May and lasted for 3 months
  • Approx. 4160 lines of code written
  • Around 200 hours spent on this project

Built with



  • Express.js - A Back-end framework for Node.js
  • MongoDB via Atlas - A NoSQL database management program, hosted via Atlas
  • Amazon S3 - A cloud object storage service from Amazon
  • Heroku - Back-end hosted on heroku

Brains behind the project