Project TREADS
Project TREADS - Repo
TREADS stands for Try, Realize and Explore Algorithms and Data Structures
What do I do here?
I like solving problems, irrespective of the nature and extent of the problem. As a Computer Science undergraduate student, I was introduced to programming problems in a course module. And ever since, solving problems with code while listening to lofi music has been my go-to productive pastime.
![Linked list meme](
Initiated on 04th March, 2021, the aim of Project TREADS is to learn, understand, practice and explore theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the concepts of Algorithms and Data Structures.
Fun numbers...
- Beginning on 04th March, 2021, this project is currently in progress with over 200+ hours of active problem solving and coding.
- Over 390+ problems solved on LeetCode - profile
- 120+ are of Easy level difficulty with an acceptance rate of 90+ %
- 210+ are of Medium level difficulty with an acceptance rate of 95+ %
- 35+ are of Hard level difficulty with an acceptance rate of 85+ %
- 180-day streak
- Competed in 6 weekly contests
- About 55 problems solved on CODECHEF - profile
- Participated in 12+ Competitive Programming Contests
- Over 160+ problems solved on Codeforces - profile
- 120+ day ongoing streak
![Consistency gif](
Some tech stuff
- Java - Written in Java™ SE Development Kit 11.0.9 (JDK 11.0.9)
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition - An IDE for Java
- C++ - Written in C++ 14
- CLion - A cross-platform IDE for C and C++
- Python3 - Written in Python 3.10.2
- VS Code - Open-source code editor made by Microsoft