ketan yeluri.

Project MANIAC

Project MANIAC - Repo

MANIAC stands for My Attempt of the Naturally Interesting Advent of Code

What's all the mania about?

As described by Wikipedia,

Advent of Code is an annual set of Christmas-themed computer programming challenges that follow an Advent calendar.

Basically, Advent of Code is like a triathlon; except that instead of athletic events, its programming puzzles of varying skills and difficulty while being Christmas themed (what a fun combo, right?). Since it consists of 25 challenges instead of 3, I guess it's more appropriate to call it a Programming Icosikaipentathlon (yes, that's a real word).

What's in it for me?

New challenger gif

I heard about Advent of Code for the first time in December of '20, but I did not think much of it owing to the fact that it had been only 4 months since I wrote my first piece of code. When people started gearing up for the '21 edition, I had a bit of experience by then. I wanted to give it a proper shot this time, and NUS Hackers came in with a private leaderboard (I do fancy myself a good competition).

So how was it?

It was a fun experience, so much so that on the 6th day of the event, I started attempting the '20 edition simultaneously. In this way, I spent most of that winter vacation trying to solve new, creative and interesting puzzles as fast as I could. By the end of the 25 days event, I had successfully completed 50 days worth of puzzles, learnt a bunch of new stuff and most importantly enjoyed it throughout.

I managed to miss the entirety of '22 edition due to exams and an overseas trip, but I eventually got around to doing it along with '23 edition. Can't wait for the next december - Winter is always coming!!!

Winter is coming meme
Source: Pinterest


Yours sincerely